Sustainable investing
People are becoming more interested than ever in sustainability and the environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards of the companies they buy from and invest in. As a member of a workplace pension, you too are an investor. Just like you can make lifestyle choices with the environment in mind, like recycling and reducing your carbon footprint, you can also make sustainable choices for your pension.
What is sustainable investing?
At Fidelity, we use the term ‘sustainable investing’ to encompass ESG issues and related topics. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. Analysing ESG factors can be a way to assess the sustainability and social impact of an investment in a company and to identify risks. Fund managers can incorporate this information into their investment process. Some of the things that might be considered are:
- Climate change
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
- Resource depletion, including water
- Waste and pollution
- Deforestation
- Loss of biodiversity
- Working conditions, including slavery and child labour
- Local communities, including indigenous communities
- Conflict regions
- Health and safety
- Employee relations and diversity
- Executive pay
- Bribery and corruption
- Political lobbying and donations
- Board diversity and structure
- Tax strategy
- Minority shareholder rights
It’s important for you to understand the climate impact of the funds you invest in within your Fidelity workplace pension. On our climate reporting page you can search for a fund to find out what type of companies it invests in, and the impact it has on the environment.
Important information - Funds with an ESG investment focus may perform favourably or unfavourably in comparison to similar investments without such focus. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to an authorised financial adviser.
As a member of a workplace pension you and/or your employer are contributing to your pension pot each month. When you save into a pension, that money is invested into funds. This makes you an investor, and you can decide where your contributions go. You can opt to invest in the default fund, or you can choose to self-select funds.
At Fidelity, we carefully monitor the funds that are offered through our workplace pensions. We expect the fund managers we work with to outline how they assess companies on ESG factors. In addition, we require fund managers to measure the effectiveness of their strategy in terms of how it benefits members of pension schemes and other investors.
Learn more about the impact your funds have on climate change
Read more about our engagement policies and those of our Fund Managers:
Read the Fund Managers’ shareholder engagement policies for FIL Life Ltd
Read our Shareholder Engagement Policy
Whether you are investing via your scheme's default investment option or you are choosing your own funds for your workplace pension, you can find out more about the funds you are invested in by reading about the investment objectives in fund documentation.
There are different approaches to investing sustainably - you might invest in funds that avoid certain activities or industries altogether. Others see sustainable investing as a more proactive approach, where companies make a positive difference and act as voice for change. Finally, you can look at companies in each sector with the strongest ESG credentials.
A key question when it comes to sustainable investing is - does ESG and Sustainable Investing lead to lower returns?
It has become increasingly clear that companies that have higher environmental, social and governance standards are often better managed businesses and therefore more likely to succeed. However, like any investment, the value of ESG and sustainable investments can go down as well as up, so you may get back less than you invest.
All investments come with a certain degree of risk and sustainable funds are not necessarily more or less risky than any other fund.
Just how much risk you're prepared to take is likely to be influenced by a number of factors, including:
- your investment goals
- the timescale over which you are investing
- whether you require income from your investment or want to grow your portfolio
- the type of investment and the level of risks that suits you.
The fund factsheets on PlanViewer break down the level of risk so you can choose what is right for you and what you feel comfortable with.
We recognise that climate change poses one of, if not the most, significant risk to the long-term profitability and sustainability of companies, including our own. We are de-carbonising in a number of ways:
- Propriety ratings – as an asset manager we use these to identify companies exposed to climate risk, whether physically or from increased regulations. We then engage with companies to manage risks
- Participation in global programmes – such as Climate Action 100+ initiatives that push large emitters towards more sustainable business models
- Corporate targets – Fidelity International has committed to reduce company-wide operational CO2 emissions to be net zero by 2030, our asset management initiatives support net zero emissions on or before 2050 and our workplace investing business will be net zero by 2050 or earlier in its FutureWise default strategy
And we're also revising our sustainable investing framework - to adjust to an evolving sustainable investing landscape. Our revised framework aims to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a consistent, transparent, and practical range of investment capabilities that meet evolving client and regulatory needs. We believe this framework balances a robust approach to sustainability with a flexible approach that can accommodate different investment styles, asset classes and client preferences.
Busting sustainable investing jargon
Our ‘jargon buster’ can help you understand common sustainable investing terms.
Learn more about sustainable investing with Greensight
If you're interested in learning more about sustainable investing, our online e-learning resource Greensight is the perfect next step for you. It can help you to improve your understanding of sustainable investing and what it might mean to you and the world we all live in. As well as information about how you could choose to invest your pension in a responsible way.
With Greensight, you can learn at your own pace, as it will remember your progress (without any need to log on) so you can build your knowledge step-by-step.
Visit Greensight
Curious about where your money goes when it leaves your payslip? We’ve partnered with fintech company Tumelo to bring you Fidelity Illuminate - an opinion tool which enables you to see the companies your pension savings are invested in, and give you a voice on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues that matter to you.