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Check and update my contact details

Important information on how to check and update your personal details for your workplace pension.

The Pensions Policy Institute estimate that the value of lost pension pots in the UK has reached more than £26 billion with over 2.8 million pension pots considered lost. That's why if you've moved home, got a new phone number, changed your email address or other personal details, it's important to update your workplace pension. It also means you don't miss anything important, like your annual benefit statement. 

Depending on your plan, you may be able to update your details online in PlanViewer. Or you may need to call us so we can help. Either way we’ve put together some tips for the most common questions.

After you log in to PlanViewer, you can scroll to the 'Update personal information' tile where you will find the 'Personal information' page. From here, you can click to edit: 

  • Telephone Number 
  • Mobile Number 
  • Personal Email Address 
  • Date Selected for Retirement 

If your employer allows you to update your address, you can do that here by clicking the 'Edit' link. Please contact your employer to update any details that you can’t edit online. If you no longer work for the company that sponsors the plan, you need to contact us to update your details. 

If you need to change your name on your account, you should send us a copy of a valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence issued by the DVLA, along with other documents depending on the reason for your name change. Copies can be made either by scanning or taking a photo with your phone.

If you don't have a passport or a UK driving licence, you need to send an original or certified copy of your supporting documents. You can find more information about sending supporting documents below.

Reason  Document required  And
Marriage Copy of marriage certificate or Deed Poll certificate  Valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence
Divorce  Copy of Decree Absolute, Decree Nisi and or Deed Poll certificate  Valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence
Civil partnership  Copy of civil partnership certificate or Deed Poll certificate  Valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence
Gender reassignment  Copy of Deed Poll certificate in your new name  Valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence
Add double-barrel  Copy of Deed Poll certificate  Valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence
General name change  Copy of Deed Poll certificate  Valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence

Please contact us by email or phone to request the change.

To update your date of birth, you should send us a copy of a valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence issued by the DVLA. 

Please contact us by email or phone to request the change.

If your gender is incorrect in our records, please send us a copy of a valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence issued by the DVLA. 

Please contact us by email or phone to request the change.

To update your National Insurance (NI) number, you should send us a copy of a valid passport or current UK photocard driving licence issued by the DVLA, along with one of the following documents: 

  • A copy of any posted HMRC document confirming your NI number dated within the last 12 months, or 
  • A copy of a payslip dated within last 3 months, or 
  • A copy of your NI card 

Please contact us by email or phone to request the change.

If you want to update your personal email address, you will need to log in to PlanViewer. This will take you to the home page. From here, scroll to the 'Update personal information' tile where you will find the 'Personal information' page. 

Click on Edit next to ‘Personal email address’ to update this field. Don’t forget to verify your new email address with a one-time passcode. 

Please note we cannot update work email addresses as this can only be done by your employer. 

Please contact us by email or phone to request the change.

Please contact us by email or phone to request the change.

If you don't have a passport or a UK driving licence issued by the DVLA, you need to send in an original or certified copy of your supporting documents. You can find more information about sending supporting documents below.

We will try and translate your documents and update our records. We may be limited to languages that use English script; however, we will tell you if we cannot translate your documents. We may contact you if we need more information from you, including a certified translation at your own cost. 

Important information when sending supporting documents

If sending a certified copy of a document, this must be signed by an independent person (who's not a member of your immediate family) who is one of the following:

  • A member of staff from a regulated financial services business 
  • A barrister, solicitor or notary public 
  • A judge or magistrate 
  • A chartered accountant 
  • A financial adviser authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority 
  • A police or customs officer 
  • A GP or dentist 
  • A teacher 

All certified documentation should clearly show: 

  • The words "I have seen the original document and I certify this to be a true copy of the original"  
  • In the case of government-issued documents containing photographs, this should also state that the photograph is a true likeness of the individual
  • The certifier's signature and printed name in full  
  • The date of signing  
  • Details of the certifier's professional capacity/job title  
  • The certifier's full address and postcode  
  • The certifier's telephone number  

Please send these to: 

Fidelity Pensions Management 
Beech Gate 
Millfield Lane 
KT20 6RP 
United Kingdom