Welcome to the Fidelity Master Trust
The Fidelity Master Trust is designed to provide employers and their employees with a well- governed, value-for-money pension scheme.
Below is information about how the Master Trust is run and the documents that govern it. Some of the information is quite detailed but it will help you understand more about the Master Trust.
Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosures
We believe that climate change is a material financial risk and that we have a responsibility to identify and manage the risks that climate change poses. This report looks how we have considered climate-related matters across the structure and governance of the Master Trust.
Read our guide to the TCFD report
Sustainable Investing & Climate Change approach
We want to build a better financial future for our members, so our portfolios and investment solutions need to stand the test of time. For us, this means delivering stable and enduring returns. We believe the best way to do this is to invest sustainably. Read below about our approach to investing sustainably and how we approach the risks and opportunities associated with climate change.
Read about how we approach sustainable investing and climate change
The Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements
The Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements gives a financial overview of the Fidelity Master Trust. The Annual Report includes the full report and accounts and the Chair’s Statement. It also contains five appendices including the Statement of Investment Principles, the Fund Charges Summary, the Implementation Report, and Fund Performance.
If you're interested in the Chair’s Statement, Statement of Investment Principles or Implementation Report, these documents are available below as an extract from the full Annual Report.
Download the full Trustees' Report and Financial Statements for the year to 30 June 2024.
Chair’s statement
Occupational pension schemes providing money purchase benefits like the Master Trust must, by law, prepare an annual statement, signed by the chair of trustees, within seven months of the end of each scheme year.
Download our latest chair’s statement
Read our guide to the Chair's Statement
Statement of Investment Principles
The Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) sets out the Master Trust Board’s investment policy and what we aim to achieve from our chosen investments. It explains how decisions about investments are made in line with all relevant legislation and best practice guidelines. We review the SIP at least every three years or after any significant change in our investment approach.
Download the Master Trust Statement of Investment Principles
Implementation Report
The Implementation Report provides evidence that the Master Trust is acting on the principles outlined in the SIP.
Download the Implementation Report
Information about your scheme’s costs and charges
Each employer has a statement that also includes the costs and charges for the scheme. You can search for your employer’s scheme using our Costs and charges tool.
Privacy Statement
The Privacy Statement explains what personal information we collect about you and how we use your data in accordance with all our legal and regulatory data protection obligations.
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
We are committed to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) to better serve our members. We have agreed an EDI policy which will sets out our strategy and aims to embed EDI in our practices as a Board.
Need help with your pension?
Visit Fidelity's online Help & support for answers to any questions you may have.
If you need to speak to Fidelity, you can call them between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.