Welcome to the Fidelity Master Trust
The Fidelity Master Trust is designed to provide employers and their employees with a well- governed, value-for-money pension scheme.
FutureWise and Investments
The Master Trust offers you a range of investment options. All workplace pensions must offer a default investment strategy that's suitable for most members. The Master Trust’s choice is FutureWise, which is designed to be suitable for as many people as possible. You may have different investment options available to you in the Master Trust, and you can find information about this on PlanViewer.
Exclusive to Fidelity, FutureWise uses Target Date Funds, which are carefully managed towards a specific date in the future (known as the 'target date'). Each fund will aim for higher growth when it's a long way from the target date, with investments such as company shares. The priority is to build your pension pot when you're further from retirement. Then, at a set number of years before its target date, the fund will start gradually moving some of its assets out of company shares and into investments that focus on generating an income, such as bonds. This is to prepare for an income drawdown in retirement.
Fidelity also offers a range of investment funds that you may decide to hold alongside, or instead of, FutureWise. Each fund is invested in one or more underlying funds managed by Fidelity or other leading fund providers, and there's an increasing focus on sustainability in the range of funds available.
You can find out more about your investment options and access the fund factsheets in PlanViewer.
Learn about investing on Fidelity's Investing basics page.
Employers can learn more about investments offered by Fidelity on the Employer site.
Need help with your pension?
Visit the online Help & support page for answers to any questions you may have.
If you need to speak to Fidelity, you can call them between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Review your investments
Find out more about your investment options and access the fund factsheets in PlanViewer.
Investing basics
Learn more about asset classes, risk and diversification.
Information for employers
Visit Fidelity's Employer website for scheme sponsors, trustees, and their advisers.