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Welcome to the Fidelity Master Trust

The Fidelity Master Trust is designed to provide employers and their employees with a well- governed, value-for-money pension scheme.

Managing your account

You can view and manage your account 24 hours a day with Fidelity’s secure online pension service, PlanViewer.

This makes it easy for you to see how much your pension savings are worth, check your contributions, review your investments and find important documents.

What happens to your pension savings if you die?

If you die, your pension savings don't form part of your estate, so they're not covered by your will. Instead, it's the responsibility of the Master Trust Board to decide who should receive them.

They will take your wishes into account, so it's important that you complete an 'expression of wish' form and keep it up to date. This could mean the Trustees are able to pay benefits to your loved ones a lot faster, at what will be a difficult time.

When you log into PlanViewer go to ‘Manage my plan’ and select ‘Update beneficiaries’.

Ill health

If you have a problem with your health, you might be able to access your pension savings before you' re 55, which is usually the minimum age for taking money from a pension. (The government is proposing to increase this to 57 from 6 April 2028.)

Read Fidelity's guide on what this means and what happens if you have ill health.

Download the guide

Need help with your pension?

Visit Fidelity's online Help & support for answers to any questions you may have.

If you need to speak to Fidelity, you can call them between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.