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Welcome to the Fidelity Master Trust

The Fidelity Master Trust is designed to provide employers and their employees with a well-governed, value-for-money pension scheme.

About the Master Trust

Do you know what a Master Trust is and what the benefits are? Find out in this short video.

Watch time: 2 mins 45 seconds

Being part of a Master Trust means employers can hand over pension governance to a trustee board of experienced professionals who work in the best interests of their members.

There are many benefits to saving in the Master Trust

  • Your employer contributes while you're an employee.
  • There are tax advantages.
  • You have a range of investment options to choose from.
  • Investing your money means it has the opportunity to grow while you're saving (though this is not guaranteed as investments can go down as well as up).
  • There are a number of ways you can take your savings. (This isn’t normally possible until you are 55, and the government is planning to raise this minimum age to 57 from 6 April 2028.)

Who’s responsible for the Master Trust?

The Fidelity Master Trust is authorised by The Pensions Regulator and is governed by a Trustee Board, which meets the Department for Work and Pensions’ requirements for independence.

The Master Trust received official authorisation in 2019. Since then, we've continued to grow, adding more employers and members.