Tools & calculators
Our tools and calculators can help you work out how healthy your finances are today and how much you should be saving for tomorrow.
Important information - Please note that these guidance tools are not a personal recommendation in respect of a particular investment. If you need additional help, please speak to an authorised financial adviser. You should regularly reassess the suitability of your investments to ensure they continue to meet your attitude to risk and investment goals.
Our tools are designed to be easy to use, but the data and research that we use to develop them is detailed and thorough. To understand our tools, and your results, take a look at the ‘assumptions’ that each tool uses. Everyone’s situation is unique, and your circumstances might be different from these assumptions, the tools are a guide and not intended to be a personal recommendation.
Are you on the right road to retirement?
Do you know how much income you’ll need to support the lifestyle you want in retirement? Use our retirement calculator to find out if you’re on track to meet your retirement goals.
Budget for your retirement
We all know having a budget is a good idea, but it can get complicated. You might know how much your food shopping costs per week, but per year? Pay your car insurance annually? How much is that monthly? Forgot about the money you spend on getting around?
Our budgeting tool allows you to input your known expenditure weekly, monthly, or annually, so you don’t have to work it out. You can also input your expected retirement income to see how many of the wonderful things you want to do in retirement you can afford over and above everyday spending.
Estimate your flexible income
This tool provides you with an estimated amount of income you could get from drawing down your pension using flexible income. You’ll need to have an estimate of your retirement savings when you retire.
It will also give you an estimate of for how long you can expect your income to last, and you’ll be able to compare this with your life expectancy.
Calculate tax on your lump sum withdrawals
Taking cash withdrawals from your pension could result in a large tax deduction and a lower retirement income in the future.
This calculator shows you how you can influence this depending on how much you take and how you take it.
If you are thinking of taking a lump sum from your pension this calculator will show you how this will affect your future retirement income. It will also show you how much tax you might have to pay.
Understand how much tax you might have to pay on the money you take from your pension and how it could affect your future retirement income.
Should you pay more into your pension?
Use the calculator to see how a small increase in your workplace pension contributions today can make a big difference to your pension pot tomorrow.
If you're 50 or over, the Government offers a free and impartial guidance service to help you understand your options at retirement. This is available via the web, telephone or face-to-face through the Pension Wise service which is now part of MoneyHelper; the easy way to get free help for all your pension and money choices. You can find out more by going to moneyhelper.org.uk or call them on 0800 011 3797.